The most frequent cause of pain in the neck becomes the osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Each year is a disease more and more young people. Are affected by it people who work daily in the sitting position, are not engaged in physical activity. It is important to know what is the neck of the osteochondrosis, its symptoms, and the rules of the treatment in the home.
Characteristics of the disease
The osteochondrosis is a disease that affects the spine and, specifically, intervertebral discs m? s. During the development of the soft elements discs are damaged costeniuc, and the vertebrae begin to touch each other, squeezing to the east of the blood vessels and nerve fibers, in the immediate vicinity of the hotel.

The osteochondrosis of cervical is one of the most common types of injuries of the spine, which may appear as the older people, and people of around 20 years.
The first signs of
By the fact that in the cervical spine spinal the department of intervertebral discs m? s not very high, even a small damage becomes the cause of the development of the disease. About the beginning of the problems may indicate:
- osiplost the hoarseness;
- the increasing problems with the teeth (they have to go to the dentist more often than usual, for example, by the partial destruction of the teeth);
- the deterioration of eyesight;
- burning sensation between the shoulder blades;
- the pain in the throat as if the angina;
- pain in the shoulder with the department, the occipital area, for the entire length of the hands;
- the weakness of the front legs;
- deterioration of coordination, warns in the irregular walking;
- frequent vertigo, the result can be fainting;
- the reduction of the resistance;
- the feeling of fatigue when waking up;
- periodically repeated headaches and on the left side of the chest, radiating to the sugar arm;
- limitation of the mobility of the neck, the crunch when its curves and slopes.
In several cases, the osteochondrosis of cervical may have the following symptoms. When this depends on the damaged area of the intervertebral disc.
Specialists distinguish several types of syndromes specific to the degenerative disease of the cervical disc, including:
- Root. Develops as a result of nerve crush. When a person experiences an acute pain, which extends from the neck to the shoulders, and then to the forearms and so on, until the fingers of the hands (or one hand). Also root the syndrome is characterized by tingling or "Murakami" in the skin, discoloration of the skin and a little swelling.
- The syndrome of the vertebral artery. The main symptom is "strip" the head pain. Often a consistent pain, but in some cases it may be and periodically. The amplification of painful sensations occurs after the increase of the activity, or after a long stay in an uncomfortable position. While the reduction of the immunity, the headache may be accompanied by nausea and loss of consciousness. Also in this case, there may be loss of hearing, vision, and problems with the vestibular of the machine.
- The cervical syndrome of migraine headaches. In this case, due to changes in position of the vertebrae and the discs between them alters the circulation of the blood in the brain, which is accompanied by sound in the ears or your help, tachycardia, noise in the head, etc ..
- Hypertension. It is characterized by increased intracranial pressure. The patient is bothered by severe attacks of headache, often accompanied by a feeling of satiety.
Often, in the moment of aggravation of the disease, the patient can raise the temperature of the body.
Characteristics of the stages of the disease and the symptoms

In the process of development of the disease, the specialists distinguish 4 stages:
- I phase. In this stage occurs the displacement of the intervertebral discs, the violation of its stability. The person can feel the strain of the muscles in the affected area and a little pain. Due to mild symptoms, usually, this stage takes place almost imperceptibly.
- Stage II. Begins the destruction of the fibrous ring, reducing the distance between the vertebrae. Symptoms – pain, localized in certain points and especially on the slopes or turn the head. Also in this phase, can appear fatigue.
- Stage III. Fibrous ring completely destroyed, it forms an inguinal hernia. The spinal column when this is deformed, the pain is more strong. To reduce the discomfort of the person is forced to limit the movement. Clear signs of frequent dizziness, fatigue.
- Stage IV. This stage is characterized by complete immobility of the damaged part of the spinal column. Periodically, it is possible for the extinction of pain, but then returns it, reinforcing it several times.
The deeper the defeat of the intervertebral discs, the lower is the probability of a complete recovery from the disease.
The causes of the degenerative disc disease cervical
There are several reasons for the onset and development of disease. Among the most common:
- hereditary predisposition;
- the violation of the position;
- age;
- transferred injuries of the spine;
- expansion of the load, in particular, of hard work, physical and sports;
- the infectious disease, the earlier;
- the use of the narrow, uncomfortable shoes, or shoes with high heels;
- the bad food, even, excessive, harmful food.
In addition, the occurrence of osteochondrosis can contribute to lose weight, frequent stress, sedentary lifestyle and even a strong hypothermia.
The risk of disease
Before you began the neck osteochondrosis, the more you can be possible complications. When it occurs the disease at an early age can result in the following effects:
- the hernia of intervertebral disk;
- radiculopathy cervical roots;
- intervertebral protrusion in the cervical region (protrusion);
- spine cervicalgia, etc
Also in the case of the execution of the osteochondrosis problems can occur in vertebrates in the arteries, the development of peresia and other comorbidities.
Rules treatment in the home

Try to collar the osteochondrosis of a number of ways, including treatment in the home, but respecting certain rules. In the first place, the in-home therapy can only be the early stages of the disease. During the execution of the disease can also use methods home, but already in a complex with more professional treatments. In the second place, the methods of self-medication in the home should be consistent with the primary care physician after an accurate diagnosis.
Effective medications
The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a wide variety of all kinds of pills, patches, and ointments\gels directional. These tools not only help you to get rid of painful sensations to the osteochondrosis, but to prevent further destruction of the cartilage of the intervertebral discs.
Among the most effective and most sought-after pharmaceutical funds for the treatment of osteochondrosis of cervical often distinguished:
- The warming and anesthetic ointment/gels.
- Muscle relaxants – medications that decrease the muscle tone and reduce the inflammatory process.
- The patches, with special medicinal impregnation, as the most often used of thiamine (vitamin b1), ferrous sulfate, glucosamine, chondroitin. Under the influence of heat medication penetrates easily into the muscles and tissues, helping anti-inflammatory and analgesic action. In addition, the patch also removes the spasm in the muscles and restore them to the motor activity.
- Complex vitamin. Vitamins are an integral part of the therapy, as that strengthen the body, improve the processes of change in him, which, in turn, affects muscle recovery and the cartilage tissues, the conduction of nerve impulses, the normalization of the sensitivity of the skin, etc., Between the vitamins that are necessary in the treatment of degenerative disc disease, cervical, specialists distinguish the b-group vitamins, as well as retinol (A) tocopherol (E), calciferoles (D), ascorbic acid and nicotine acid
- Chondroprotectors. The action of these drugs led to the recovery of the cartilage of the tissues, strengthening blood circulation and reduce the pain. However, for the treatment of these drugs has been successful, should be applied for sufficient time (3 to 6 months).
To improve the effectiveness of the treatment is fully possible to combine drugs of different groups, for example, vitamin complexes with protective cartilage and patches.
The application of popular recipes
Enough parisian with a lot of recipes for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can be found in the folk medicine:
- Remove the sensation of pain at the time of aggravation of the degenerative disc disease works normal of the sheet of radish. To do this, is because the night to attach to a place of the inner part and secure the bandage. Previously the leaf scald in boiling water. By the morning the pain in the neck to rest almost 100%.
- As a preventative you can use the tool, and potatoes. To prepare potatoes medication, the tuber of the average rub on a fine grater and mix with honey in the ratio of 1:1. The consistency of the received structure should look like the ointment. Papa-honey mixture used as a compress – put in the neck, the top part serves for compression of paper and a towel, and secure with the help of the blindfold. Keep the compress should be 2 hours, after which the skin is rubbed with a damp cloth and rub fir oil. At the time of aggravation of the degenerative disc disease, the course of treatment should be 7-10 days, and for the prevention of the compress can be done 1 time per week.
- In a popular recipe also involved the product of the hive – propolis. To prepare the home medications you will need 1 g of propolis, 50 g of aloe juice (medium fresh) and mustard powder. All these ingredients are dissolved in 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol (diluted). The resulting solution is used for impregnation of the fabric, which is then placed in the neck area in the evening. To reinforce the effect, the neck is optional, you can wrap the wool with a handkerchief.
- Packs packs other means to combat the inflammation and pain. Before you apply on the neck, the diesel pff melt in the steam bath and allow to cool slightly to not burn the skin. In place of the wax you can use wax. Of warming, with the help of diesel or wax are held 1 time every 3 days.
- The mass of turpentine. For this type of therapy is necessary to prepare the dough of rye flour and filtered water. You must be pretty strong to him, but not too tight. Of the test form the tortilla. After this painful area rub the turpentine and put it on top of the finished cookie. The duration of the procedure is 15 or 20 minutes, the frequency of 3 times per week.

For the treatment of degenerative disease of the cervical disc in folk medicine not only offers the compresses and rub, but also the tools for oral administration:
- Herbarium collection. To prepare a medicinal tea of the need to dandelion leaves, yarrow, thyme, st. john's wort, chamomile and calendula. Each ingredient – 1 tbsp of All plant components carefully mix. The box that take 2 tablespoons of l of the mixture, is placed in a thermos, pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist for several hours. Prepared infusion is drunk 3 times a day (60 ml per reception before each meal. The course of treatment – 20 days.
- The infusion of laurel leaves. For your preparation in 1 glass of water you will need 10 g of laurel leaves. All the ingredients are placed in an enameled pan and simmer for 5 over the course of 5 minutes After that, resulting from the cooking insist still 3 hours and filter. Drink the resulting infusion during the day, in small sips. The course of the reception – 4 days. After weeks of vacation, and repeat the treatment.
- The cooking of parsley. I prepare it the following way: 3 tablespoons of crushed roots of the plants sleep in 750 ml of water and simmered for an hour. Obtained from the cooking of the filter and is cooled. Drink the medicine two times a day for 1 tablespoon of the spoon. Take must be in the morning on an empty stomach and before bedtime.
- The infusion of celery juice. To prepare the celery rub on a fine grater, after obtained the mass carefully wring out the juice. After that, in each spoon obtained from the juice, add 100 ml of warm boiled water and leave to infuse for 2 hours. Take the infusion of 2 tablespoons before each meal.
- The infusion with blueberry leaves. This infusion produces a good anti-inflammatory effect. For its preparation 3 teaspoons dried crushed leaves pour a glass of boiling water. After two hours of receipt of the composition of the filter, drink 2 tablespoons three times a day.
- The infusion of alcohol of nuts, cedar. To get a drug that is effective for pine nut along with the shell struck, they are put into a crystal container and poured the brandy. The bank firmly closed and withdrawn in a dark place for a week. When this newspaper that the tank should be shaken carefully. After 7 days of receipt of the infusion filter. Drink three times a day for 2 teaspoons of reception.
Also, as an effective tool for the replacement of potassium and calcium in the body in popular medicine advises to eat a few teaspoons of sesame seeds every day (just eat a teaspoon, but do so several times a day).
The effectiveness of self-massage

Kneading, rubbing and stroking to improve the circulation of blood, reduce pain, relieve muscle tension, promote the normalization of metabolism. However, to do no harm to self, to the self-massage should follow some rules:
- The massage must be carried out exclusively with the fingertips of the hands.
- Can't be to heavily compress in your area.
- All movements should be smooth, without sudden changes and fast the pressures.
- Massage there are occipital part of the head, the muscles of the back and side areas of the neck.
- To perform the procedure should only be sitting. For convenience, it is necessary to throw one leg and lean back with your elbow to get to the back of the neck and spine. Opposite of the hand that must embrace the neck of all parties.
The duration of the massage procedure is 10 minutes. The frequency of all days. It's not worth doing a self-massage with a strong pain. It is best to ğsemántica to calm down a little.
Properly executed massage can be more effective and useful for even the best of medicines.

Will not be more that complement the treatment in your home exercise gym. Perform their recommended after warming up in the bath or under the shower. The most effective exercises of the osteochondrosis cervical are:
- Effect of the tilt of the head. For the implementation of waking up gently, pull the hand along the body and the tilt of the head, first forward, then to find a player. In each position should stay around 10 sec.
- Effect of tilt to one side. Without changing the previous position, tilt the head to the right-to the left, also one on each side in 10 sec.
- The situation is the same, but now the head should be alternatively tilted to all sides, without stopping for a minute and a half.
- The twists. The hand is placed in the time zone, the chin slightly projecting forward and turns the head to one side that he has been thrown to the shoulder. In this position, it is necessary to stop at 50 sec.
- The breeding of hands. This exercise is done in the seated position. To do this, sit on the chair, put the palm of the hand in the lap. After this, the hand stretched forward and gently raised in the parties. At this time, tilt of the head, after which it returns to its initial position.
- Difficult turns. Left hand is placed on the right shoulder (the elbow at a right angle) and at the same time turn the head to the right. Then also performed the exercise using the right hand.
In addition to these exercises to help well to the osteochondrosis, and many others. For example, during the holidays, you can lie down on the hard sofa so that their shoulders were on the edge, while the head hang. The arms should be relaxed and extended along the body. In a few minutes you should raise and lower the head, the effort only of the muscles of the neck. First, the exercise performed by lying on the back, and then the same delivered in the womb.